Rules for Refund of Fees

Rules for Refund of Fees
  • These rules apply to Certificate courses offered by the English Language Teaching Institute of Symbiosis (ELTIS).
  • They come into force immediately and will regulate future grievances over issues and matters covered herein.
Cancellation / Withdrawal Of Admission
  • A student must apply for the cancellation of admission to the Institute in the prescribed format.
  • The Institute, after following due procedure, will cancel the applicant's admission and refund fees to the student within 15 days from the date of their application.
  • The Institute shall cancel the admission of the student in the following situations:
    • Non-payment of fees.
    • Non-reporting to the Institute for more than five days without prior written notice to the concerned authority.
  • If a student applies to withdraw/cancel their admission from the course of study in which they are enrolled, the Institute shall follow the following five-tier system for refunding fees:
# Percentage of Refund of Fees Point of time when notice of withdrawal of admission is received in the Institute
a) 100% Before the formally notified date of commencement of the course
b) 90% One day or less after the formally notified date of admission commencement of the course
c) 70% Two days or less, but more than one day, after the formally-notified date of admission commencement of the course
d) 4 0% Three days or less but more than two days after the formally notified date of commencement of the course
e) 0% More than three days after the formally notified date of commencement of the course
  • If the student's admission is cancelled because a course is not offered, a 100% refund of fees is permissible.
  • If the student's admission is cancelled due to disciplinary action, violation of propriety, substance abuse, breach of the Code of Conduct, or any other Rules & Regulations of the Institute, no refund of fees is permissible.
  • In any other case not covered by these rules, the Director of the Institute will take the decision.
Transfer Of Fees In Case Of Transfer Of Admission To Another Course/programme Of Eltis:
  • If a student applies for a transfer of admission from one course at ELTIS to another course at ELTIS, the transfer application shall be processed. If approved by the Institute, the transfer of fees shall be as follows:
  • Before Course Commencement: If the student applies for a transfer before the commencement of the course, 100% of the fees shall be transferred to the new course. If the course fees differ, the student must pay the difference, or the amount will be adjusted for the next instalment/refunded to the student.
  • After Course Commencement: If the student applies for a transfer after the commencement of the course, a proportionate amount of the academic fees shall be deducted. The remaining amount, after deductions, shall be transferred to the new course. If the course fees differ, the student must pay the difference in the fees, or the amount will be adjusted for the next instalment/refund to the student.
  • Credit Note: If the student decides not to enrol in another course immediately, a credit note for the remaining amount can be issued, which can be used for future courses within one year from the issue date.
Rules For Transfer Of Admission
  • A student may request a transfer under the following conditions:
  • Same Batch, Different Time/Mode: Transfer to another time (e.g., morning to evening) or mode (e.g., offline to online) within the same batch. The transfer charge will be ₹ 300/- per transfer, in addition to any change in the fee.
  • Different Batch: Transfer to another batch (e.g., from January to February). The transfer charge will be ₹ 500/- per transfer, plus ₹ 50/- per session already attended in the current batch, in addition to any change in the fee.
  • Time Limitation: Clause B is applicable only for six months from the commencement date of the original batch. After six months, the transfer charge will equal 50% of the existing course fee.
  • Repetition Requirement: If the student has not completed the original batch or has been assigned the same level during a level assessment test, they may be required to repeat the batch. Transfer charges, as specified in Clause B or C, will apply depending on the time that has passed since the commencement date of the original batch.
  • Registration/Application Fees
  • The Institute has a GRM, amended occasionally, to address and effectively resolve complaints, representations, and grievances related to any of the issues mentioned in this Notification.
  • The GRM is available on the Institute website.
  • The Institute shall ensure that all grievances received are addressed as deemed fit within 30 days.
Course Not Granted (CNG)
  • A minimum of 75% attendance is mandatory for all students to be eligible to appear for the course-end examination.
  • Students awarded CNG may be able to attend classes with a convenient batch or make other arrangements provided here.
  • The student must pay transfer fees for the immediate or subsequent batches
Standard of Passing
  • A student must pass Continuous Assessments, Course-end Examinations, and/or Practicals (as applicable) separately by obtaining a minimum of 50% marks.
  • Marks below 50% will be treated as a Fail.
Backlog Examination
  • A student who has failed in Continuous Assessments or Course-end Examinations must appear in the backlog examination in subsequent examinations.
  • The student must pay backlog examination fees for immediate and subsequent attempts.
Award of Certificate (Completion)
  • A student will be awarded the completion certificate only if they have a minimum of 50% marks in each assessment upon completing the course.
Award of Certificate (Participation)
  • A student will be awarded the participation certificate only if they have attended at least 66% of the classes and have a minimum of 33% marks upon course completion.
  • A student will achieve Distinction if they have more than 90% attendance and more than 75% marks.
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